Many people do not understand how to
do this well simonjar of oyobaze is
sharing this to [you] you 2day! Comment
of you still dont understand.
First create a page and name it hidden
upload page. Now in dat page you wil
create a simple uploader for every single
category you want. click here to see
Mmake sure u choose the site id you want
each categories to redirect to after
uploading and make sure do exactly as u
see in that demo, u can also set credit
amount for each uploader.
Now to create our standard uploader, we
need some information form our hidden
page, we need to get an information that
looks like this <input type='hidden'
name='p' value='1245474'/> in d
uploaders, so we have to sourcecode the
page. i'll advice you, when source coding
the page take a pen and book. if the first
uploader is 4 'java application category'
just write it on your book and write the
number u see in the p input i.e if u see
<input type='hidden' name='p'
value='1245474'/> then the number is
1245474. Now do that for all the
uploaders you did in your hidden page.
Now its time to create an uploader like
1. create a site for the real uploading
2. Add this wml/xhtml code:
code code code[code]
<div class="blue" align="center"><div class="info"><b>Observe the below</b></div><div class="info" align="center">1. In order for your file to be published, special characters are not allowed in file descriptions or name else the file will be deleted.</div><div class="info" align="center">2. Do not insert your site url or any external website in the file discription else the file will not be published</div><div class="info" align="center">3. Do not upload offensive files.</div><div class="info" align="center">4. Files accepted for now are *Jar, *Jad, *swf, *bmp, *avi, *mp3, *amr, *midi, *aac, *sis, *sisx, *rar, *exe, *zip, *doc, *wma, *3gp, *mp4, *jpg, *png, *gif, *jpeg, *nth, *zip, *prov, *thm, *txt. *apk</div><div class="info" align="center"> 5. You cant upload a file above 16mb(MegaBytes).</div></div>[/codr]