How to hack 2go account with username and your phone
I have been using this tweak 2 hack 2 go
acc . So i wona post it .Realy workingu wil
nee to download a 2 go zip file .
Application require 1. blueftp2 . Advanbe
class translator3 . moby explorer and ur
brainfirstly, goto w w w . D o n s i a z o n
e s . C o m scrol dnwn to zip files at the
top u wil se a searcg box type " 2 go that
hack" in d search box without quote { 2go
that hack} and download it . After
downloading , if u wil ned other
application to mod it get any of them @www.oyobaze.ga After
dowmloading those 4 files now quit the
web create a new folder in ur memory
card name it my 2 go andt moue the 2 go
that hack. zip into the folder which u
create. Now the first thing to do is to
extract . Read the below guildiness to
complete the tutorials. HOW TO EXTRACT
THE ZIP FILE .Start the blueftp , u wil se c :
and e :c means fone memory while e
means memnry card . So click d one
which u create my 2 go folder to locate
my 2 go folder. Open d folder u wil see the
2 go file . zip that u download , click it , u
wil seemany filer like new
loginclien. class, a . class, META _INFO ,
then press menu or option , scrol down to
select all click on it and press options /
menu again and click on extract selected
items , click the menu again /nption and
scroll to extrack items selected there,
afteru see extract successful , quht the
blueftp and start the moby explorer that u
download , locate d folder which u extract
ur hacking 2 go. zip files to , u wil se a
folder named META _ INFO click it another
folder wil be inside then press menu scrol
to text editor right click it u wil see open,
then press menu again and click on edit
then change the midlet nameto 2 go
booster like this MIDLET- NAME: - 2 go
booster by donsia just change tiat 2 go
hacking to 2go booster by ur name and
save it . Go back by clicking menu and
click on save. After that , start the advance
class translator locate the file
name # newloginclient. class, click it
stroldowm and start editing the text dont
change anything except the place u se
/ +2348152137061 just change the
number to yours and save it . Finaly start
d blueftp back locate the folder again
whichu extracted ur 2go hachking.zip
files to then clicj menu scrol down to
select al and click it to them click menu
again and scrol down to compresr items
as ( jar ) and start pressing yes until u se
compresion successful . U have
successfuly mod an hacking be that ooo .
To test it whether it works. Goto ur
memory card lok 4 d file for file _ jar copy
it to another folder and rename it to
2 go .jar or anything . jarnote: -it wil be in
this format# file _ jar then delete this{ _ }
and put{ . } in between the name like this
file . jar then start it and login with it u wil
see that ur loghn name and password wil
be sent to u as text message that hw u
wilbe recivhng those that download the
2 go u mod . Get more hacking tips @ www.oyobaze.ga
How to hack 2go account with username and your phone
I have been using this tweak 2 hack 2 go
acc . So i wona post it .Realy workingu wil
nee to download a 2 go zip file .
Application require 1. blueftp2 . Advanbe
class translator3 . moby explorer and ur
brainfirstly, goto w w w . D o n s i a z o n
e s . C o m scrol dnwn to zip files at the
top u wil se a searcg box type " 2 go that
hack" in d search box without quote { 2go
that hack} and download it . After
downloading , if u wil ned other
application to mod it get any of them @www.oyobaze.ga After
dowmloading those 4 files now quit the
web create a new folder in ur memory
card name it my 2 go andt moue the 2 go
that hack. zip into the folder which u
create. Now the first thing to do is to
extract . Read the below guildiness to
complete the tutorials. HOW TO EXTRACT
THE ZIP FILE .Start the blueftp , u wil se c :
and e :c means fone memory while e
means memnry card . So click d one
which u create my 2 go folder to locate
my 2 go folder. Open d folder u wil see the
2 go file . zip that u download , click it , u
wil seemany filer like new
loginclien. class, a . class, META _INFO ,
then press menu or option , scrol down to
select all click on it and press options /
menu again and click on extract selected
items , click the menu again /nption and
scroll to extrack items selected there,
afteru see extract successful , quht the
blueftp and start the moby explorer that u
download , locate d folder which u extract
ur hacking 2 go. zip files to , u wil se a
folder named META _ INFO click it another
folder wil be inside then press menu scrol
to text editor right click it u wil see open,
then press menu again and click on edit
then change the midlet nameto 2 go
booster like this MIDLET- NAME: - 2 go
booster by donsia just change tiat 2 go
hacking to 2go booster by ur name and
save it . Go back by clicking menu and
click on save. After that , start the advance
class translator locate the file
name # newloginclient. class, click it
stroldowm and start editing the text dont
change anything except the place u se
/ +2348152137061 just change the
number to yours and save it . Finaly start
d blueftp back locate the folder again
whichu extracted ur 2go hachking.zip
files to then clicj menu scrol down to
select al and click it to them click menu
again and scrol down to compresr items
as ( jar ) and start pressing yes until u se
compresion successful . U have
successfuly mod an hacking be that ooo .
To test it whether it works. Goto ur
memory card lok 4 d file for file _ jar copy
it to another folder and rename it to
2 go .jar or anything . jarnote: -it wil be in
this format# file _ jar then delete this{ _ }
and put{ . } in between the name like this
file . jar then start it and login with it u wil
see that ur loghn name and password wil
be sent to u as text message that hw u
wilbe recivhng those that download the
2 go u mod . Get more hacking tips @ www.oyobaze.ga